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Parabolic Solar Trough collectors use mirrored surfaces curved in a linearly extended parabolic shape to focus solar energy on a receiver tube running the length of the trough. Water is pumped through …
Parabolic Solar Trough collectors use mirrored surfaces curved in a linearly extended parabolic shape to focus solar energy on a receiver tube running the length of the trough. Water is pumped through the receiver tube, the water is then heated as it passes through the receiver tube. The parabolic solar trough uses a mechanical slewing drive with a electronic tracker that uses a mathematical algorithm to track the sun. The tracker is orientated north to south and tracks the sun east to west. Our parabolic solar trough collectors can collect solar energy up to 10 hours per day compared to a 6 hour day with regular flat plate collectors. Shown in the picture above is a one 61.87 sq. ft. section of our parabolic solar trough, several sections can be ganged together to make a large parabolic solar water heater / steam heating system / solar powered heater. 8 sections make up a 495 sq. ft. solar parabolic trough.