According to tracking website, Sacnilk, Game Changer earned Rs 10 crore nett at the domestic box office. The Day 5 collection is slightly higher than Day 4 numbers. In five days, the political ...
Game Changer Box Office Collection Day 5 :The Tollywood movie starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, which hit the cinemas on January 10, had seen an impressive start. However, the S. Shankar ...
Game Changer Box Office collection Day 5: The Tollywood movie starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, which hit the cinemas on January 10, witnessed a slight rise in its daily collection on Day 5.
Ram Charan’s Game Changer is trying to stick to the box office and churn out some decent numbers every single day. In five days, the Telugu political drama helmed by S Shankar and co-starring ...
Ram Charan and director Shankar's Game Changer registered its lowest numbers on Thursday. The film earned Rs 117 crore nett ...
Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s Game Changer clocked Rs 1.15 crore on Day 7, totaling Rs 26.95 crore in the first week. Deets ...