Called an accretion disk, this ring of matter around Sagittarius A* spewed everything from brief flickers that only last a few seconds to incredibly bright daily eruptions to even faint flickers ...
In this artist’s concept, matter is stripped from a white dwarf (sphere at lower right) orbiting within the innermost accretion disk surrounding 1ES 1927+654’s supermassive black hole.
This slowly moving gas stream, which is a visible, bright source of X-rays, frequently forms an accretion disk around the black ... and hot in one condition and transparent and cold in another.
ABSTRACT A fundamental component of models of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is an accretion disk around a supermassive black hole. However, the nature of this accretion disk is not well understood, ...
In one state, the plasma is transparent and cold ... This slowly flowing stream of gas often forms an accretion disk around ...