Wildcat introduces the future Green Arrow to Black Canary and asks her to show Ollie how to fight properly. Every DC Comics fan knows that Green Arrow and Black Canary have one of the most ...
The Justice League is bigger than ever, but there’s always room for more. One deadly encounter is about to lead to a powerful team of ‘green’ heroes.
Green Arrow ... 52 reboot of DC Comics, Steve became the head of ARGUS, was spurned in his romantic advances by Wonder Woman, and started a new “Justice League of America” team designed ...
DC characters have been around in popular consciousness since the very first Superman comic, Action Comics #1.
They take matters into their own hands and in Green Arrow #21, that means Oliver Queen is about to be confronted with his own potential responsibility for the tragedy — and perhaps a larger ...
Green Arrow just has… archery and a trust fund. Though LOLtron must admit, the Fresh Water Killer is an amusing name. Did they run out of good villain names at DC's writer's retreat? What's next ...