REMEMBERING ELVIS PRESLEY ON HIS BIRTHDAY ... of a door" to watch him on "The Ed Sullivan Show." "And I thought 'Boy, who was this guy?' He was so gorgeous and the way he moved — of course ...
and then, out of nowhere, this crazy boy just started singing this song.’” It’s hard to overstate Presley’s impact upon popular music. "Without Elvis, none of us would have made it,” said fellow ‘50s ...
Elvis Presley's ex-wife and the mother of Lisa Marie, Priscilla Presley, once shared what she and The King had decided on for their children's names.
Gladys knew that Elvis, a boy-man, was looking for a child-woman he could mold into his idea of a perfect mate. Fourteen-year-olds were just the right age, as they allowed him to play the role of ...