Built-to-rent homes let people who can't afford to buy live in single family homes. It's a growing national trend.
If you’re looking to rent a house instead of an apartment, you might be in for a price shock, according to Zillow.
A pair of Indiana companies has broken ground on the second major central Ohio development of new homes built for rent.
A Southern California desert compound built by a Gucci heiress is now available to rent for $28,000 a month.
ONM Living announced March 6 that it sold Cottages at Summer Creek to Stockbridge Capital Group LLC at the end of January for ...
Manufactured home parks have undergone a national trend in recent years, shifting from the hands of small landlords to real ...
Mountain View City Council wants to help mobile home residents by further limiting how much landlords can raise rents each year, but park owners are warning the new rules will make their operations ...