NOAA picked a total of 19 “groundhogs and ... Out of the 19 predictors, Punxsutawney Phil came in 17th place, having only accurately predicted the change of season 35% of the time.
Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil might be the most well-known weather-predicting groundhog, but a new list casts doubt on his accuracy. Phil did so poorly that even nonliving critters outshine ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration checked Punxsutawney Phil's track record last year and found the fuzzy ambassador's predictions lacking. This year, NOAA took a deeper dive ...
"Although he is not the most accurate seasonal prognosticator, we would be remiss not to honor the longest-running weather-forecasting groundhog in the United States, Punxsutawney Phil," NOAA wrote.
(Groundhogs have an average lifespan of about six years, but NOAA reports that legend has it that Punxsutawney Phil has been on the job since 1887, owing his longevity to "groundhog nog.") ...
The Old Farmer's Almanac predicts a warmer-than-normal spring outlook for the Midwest. Iowa could see temperatures run 3 ...
Staten Island Chuck says Punxsutawney Phil is full of it ... and he’s only right about a third of the time, according to one NOAA study. The Groundhog Day ritual — a remnant of German folklore ...
"Although he is not the most accurate seasonal prognosticator, we would be remiss not to honor the longest-running weather-forecasting groundhog in the United States, Punxsutawney Phil," NOAA wrote.