MiBAC/FacebookThe crack in the stone jar revealed the hundreds of ancient Roman gold coins that were inside of it.
a traditional Roman symbol of victory. For artifacts in the U.K. to be declared treasure, as this one was, they must be made of gold or silver and be at least 300 years old, said coin expert ...
Each of the 16 coins is a denarius — the standard Roman coin — and Marsden estimates that the ... be considered "treasure" — ...
Councillors Tony Wallis, Hannah Appleyard and Richard Forster show off coin moulds from the collection Coin moulds which were used for counterfeiting money during Roman times are to go on display ...
Sifting through the dark brown soil of southwestern Scotland, archaeologists unearthed a “rare” and “visually striking” Roman artifact. The small item — possibly buried as an offering 1,800 years ago ...
Scientists identified a 1,900-year-old Roman sanctuary at Cova de les Dones after finding inscriptions and a coin offering. Photo from A. Ruiz-Redondo, V. Barciela and X. Martorell Deep inside a ...
New sites and artifacts are found all the time ... site in Spain The chamber of Cova de les Dones where an ancient Roman coin and inscriptions were found. Photo from A. Ruiz-Redondo, V.
The most famous ruler featured in the hoard is arguably the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned from A.D. 161 to 180), while his wife, Faustina II, is portrayed on a coin of her own. Aurelius ...