Founding Facebook President (and Napster co-founder, and venture capitalist and unwilling movie character) Sean Parker is at DLD ... which is great: (the Social Network stuff starts around ...
There is a crucial moment in “The Social Network,” David Fincher ... Egging Zuckerberg on is Sean Parker, played as a kind of bratty, Satanic weasel by Justin Timberlake.
Sean Parker is an entrepreneur with a record of ... when he joined with Mark Zuckerberg to develop the online social network Facebook. Sean was Facebook’s founding president, helping transform ...
Parker joined the Facebook team in 2004, when it was just a fledgling college startup. As the social network's founding president, he would play a huge role in the site's early investments ...
"It was the precursor to social networking," Masonis tells Business ... probably get sued by the music industry," and "Because Sean Parker is involved." Needless to say, Sequoia did not invest ...