Cigarette Smokers looking to kick the habit may just get the extra boost they need. A proposed bill could increase Florida’s current cigarette tax as much as a dollar a pack. Supporters of the bill ...
The Florida League of Cities and the Association of Counties are asking state lawmakers for more wiggle room in their budgets. Mayors and County Commissioners say unfunded mandates like those on ...
State Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried previewed legislation creating a greenhouse gas registry Wednesday. It would require agricultural interests to report regularly on what they have done to ...
Minors who want to get a tattoo in Florida may soon be out of luck. State Legislation banning tattoos for kids under 16 is moving in Tallahassee. As Whitney Ray tells us, the legislation would ...
College tuition will go up next year, but the Bright Futures Scholarship program will probably not cover the increase. As Whitney Ray tells us, lawmakers are considering drastic changes to Bright ...
Dozens of proposals that could affect how Florida Government works are up for discussion at the state Capitol at the once every two decades Constitution Revision Commission. As Mike Vasilinda tells us ...
Florida lawmakers spent nearly three and a half hours today debating and listening to the public on legislation that has been knick named the don’t say gay bill. It gives parents more rights to be ...
The State of Florida filed suit against the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence and its former CEO Tiffany Carr Wednesday. Carr received millions while shelters and victims suffered funding ...
The Florida Senate will spent time later this afternoon going through amendments and asking questions about the so called Don’t Say Gay” bill. It is now teed up for a final vote tomorrow. As Mike ...
Florida schools are significantly safer today according to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission established in the aftermath of the parkland shooting, where since 17 lives ...
300 criminal justice reform supporters rallied at the Capitol Wednesday morning, hoping to convince lawmakers to get behind a bill that could reduce the amount of time prisoners are required to serve ...