"The FAA investigations of skydiving accidents and incidents typically focus on inspecting the packing of the parachute and reserve parachute, and rules of flight for the pilot and aircraft," the agency said in a written statement.
air traffic control, Arizona
Authorities are investigating multiple skydiving incidents that have left three dead in the last two months after complications while descending.
The most recent deadly skydiving incident occurred near Skydive Arizona when a "very experienced skydiver" died this month.
Authorities in Arizona are working with the Federal Aviation Administration to investigate deadly skydiving incidents after three people, including a Minnesota woman, had problems while descending. The three deaths happened within the last two months.
Tens of thousands of planes take off, land and perform touch-and-goes at the Marana Regional Airport in southern Arizona every year. Without an air traffic control tower, it's a calculated dance that requires communication by pilots.
According to the FAA, a Southwest Airlines flight approaching Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and got too close to an American Airlines flight on Feb. 23.
Do more U.S. airports need control towers? That's one of the questions that has arisen following a midair collision at an airport in southern Arizona last week.
FAA was working with authorities in Arizona to investigate three skydiving deaths near the same location all happening within a two month period.