Workers started putting signs on three sides of the hotel Monday morning, a process that will take much of the week.
THE new landlords of a historic pub in Harwich are delighted after it was named Tendring Camra's real ale pub of the year.
Thetford Hive Aparthotel, once known as Wereham House, has been transformed over the past year by owner Charles Bennett. An aparthotel combines a modern hotel suite with the cosy comforts of ...
All hotels have been independently reviewed by our expert writers, who are usually hosted on a complimentary basis. We will earn a commission if you book via the links below, but this never ...
Thetford Hive Aparthotel, once known as Wereham House, has been transformed over the past year by owner Charles Bennett. An aparthotel combines a modern hotel suite with the cosy comforts of ...