A fed-up landlord has put his “shameless” tenant on blast by slapping massive signs on his St. Albans, Queens, property ...
Not everyone getting checks from Pennsylvania's rental rebate program is seeing the money, KDKA Investigates uncovered.
California law allows landlords to evict tenants for nonpayment regardless of whether they are willing and able to pay their ...
A landlord has been ordered to pay her tenants financial compensation for illegally entering their home, at times without their knowledge.
While a construction boom of multi-family buildings helped rein in rent prices for apartments in the U.S., costs are still ...
As landlords sell their properties, the squeeze on available homes for renters is intensifying and prices are being hiked yet ...
First-time buyers Lachie and Amy worked two jobs to afford their rent and save for a home deposit at the same time.
Brody Thiele is a social person who's "never really wanted to live alone", but says share housing also has the obvious ...
The second anniversary of the L.A.-area wildfires brought notable actions and news related to the recovery of the region.
Residents at Sycamore Place say a new property management company hasn't fixed concerns about vanishing amenities, rental ...
From fake listings to misuse of public records, home listing scams are growing more common. Here’s a breakdown of what to avoid.