Housing and Communities Board chair David Ashford MHK says he doesn't know how many people rent their homes from private ...
Ministers have been told to rethink the sanctioning of a rise in taxes on rental properties from 6% to 8% as a study showed Scotland has recorded the lowest levels of landlord property purchases ...
The Treasury reports that there are currently 11 million private renters and 2.3 million landlords in England. As the demand for rental properties continues to drive the market, the ...
Zoe Peat says that if we don't act now, Bristol's housing crisis will only deepen, forcing even more of us out of the city we love ...
The property site quizzed 982 landlords and found two-thirds were looking to ... Despite the long-running threat of rent reforms, the private rented sector has remained around 19% and 20% of England’s ...
Riccardo Giovanacci is managing director of Rosevale Letting The Scottish government had another thoughtful Christmas present ...
Proposed amendments to Scotland's housing bill will mean landlords have to fix issues within strict timescales.
Of those 2,500-plus houses, 1,186 are owned by out-of-state landlords and 583 are owned by corporate investors. Nationally, 3.8% of all single-family rentals are owned by institutional investors.
The end of rent controls in April could see the release ... “These reliefs provide a welcome support for the private rented sector and for landlords and property investors.” Multiple Dwellings Relief ...
The UK property market is poised for significant changes in 2025, with new legislation and reforms set to reshape the landscape for landlords, tenants, homeowners, estate agents, and conveyancers ...
The class-action complaint calls on Odin Properties to make Bentley Manor safe and repay tenants who unlawfully paid rent.