The reason: “hello” contains the word “hell.” “When you go to school and church ... Besides, she added, “What’s wrong with, ‘Howdy, y’all?'” Canales, a Catholic but not a regular churchgoer, has been ...
Listen carefully to a spoken conversation and you’ll notice that the speakers use a lot of little quasi-words— mm-hmm, um, huh? and the like—that don’t convey any information about the topic of the ...
While plenty of startups are trying to crack the longevity code, research shows just 15 minutes of sleep, two minutes of exercise, and a half-serving of vegetables can make a major difference.
Wondering how to start a conversation? I could say simply that you aren’t alone in wondering. Or I could break the fourth ...
Two individuals, each with plenty of issues and their own communication quirks, collide on opposite ends of a mental-health helpline in Jeremy Beiler’s short film “Happy to Help You.” Amy Sedaris ...
Jeremy Beiler’s short film follows a mental-health volunteer’s unravelling after a caller gets under his skin.
You don't have to be a die-hard Friends connoisseur to know some of the sitcom's signature phrases. Whether Charlie the ...
Born Henry Charles Albert David, Prince Harry, also known as The Duke of Sussex, is the younger son of King Charles and his first wife, Diana, Princess of Wales. He is currently fifth-in-line to ...
Princess Beatrice is the eldest child of the Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York, and the older sister of Princess Eugenie. As well as being a patron of a number of organisations and charities ...
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