After 27 years of searching, a Jharkhand family has found their lost member, Gangasagar Yadav, at the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj--now living as an Aghori monk named Baba Rajkumar.
PRAYAGRAJ, (ANI) – Gangapuri Maharaj, also known as Chhotu Baba, has become a focal point at the Maha KumbhMela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. A resident of Assam’s Kamakhya Peeth, the 57-year ...
The lost member is now a 65-year-old 'Aghori' monk Baba Rajkumar who belongs to a particular monastic order of sadhus. He has refused to acknowledge his previous identity as Gangasagar Yadav.