When Shehu Usman Osidi assumed leadership as the Managing Director/Chief Executive of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) ...
Majority of UK parents happy to allow their adult children to live with them. £107 per week the average Parent Landlord rent, but 1 in 5 provide their home for free.
New company Journey focused on bringing loyalty program capabilities to independent hotels and vacation rentals.
Three men have been charged in a deadly gunfight linked to a Venezuelan gang at a rental home in the Poconos. Pocono Mountain Regional police scheduled a news conference at 12 p.m. Wednesday to ...
You're not the only one suffering from the rise in homeowner's association fees. HOA dues rose a median of 15% year-over-year in Tampa, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, compared with a median gain of 6% ...
The suit challenges whether the village can limit the number of bedrooms in an STR and retroactively apply regulations to ...
TUNKHANNOCK TWP., Pa. -- Three men have been charged in a deadly gunfight linked to a Venezuelan gang at a rental home in the Poconos. Homicide and attempt to commit homicide charges have been filed ...
As more developers adopt automated property management tools, they’ve faced challenges with their renters and the law.
Tenant advocates, judges and lawyers have raised the alarm about House Bill 32, calling it a Trojan Horse that would strip ...
Outdoor dining in Greenwich will return in May, but participating restaurants will have to pay more for renting barriers from ...
The changes were put forward by the Short-Term Rental Ad Hoc Committee, composed of Supervisors Justin Cummings and Manu ...
The United Senior Center of Sunset Park at 475 53rd St. is facing potential closure due to rising rents. A rally was ...