As part of Road Safety Week at the end of last year, Taylor Wimpey East Scotland challenged primary seven pupils of ...
The number of crashes at 96th Street and Allisonville Road in Fishers soared after a roundabout was constructed last Fall to replace the old, signaled intersection.
Of more than 600 traffic calming proposals sent to NDOT, 25 have been chosen to help create safer streets — including some in ...
Researchers have demonstrated that multicolored stickers applied to stop or speed limit signs on the roadside can 'confuse' self-driving vehicles, causing unpredictable and possibly hazardous ...
After identifying specific areas of concern throughout the county, the plan focuses on safer road design, lower speeds, ...
Structured wayfinding initiatives such as Bristol Legible City and Southampton Legible City demonstrate how cities actively ...
The state Department of Transportation said it is creating plans to improve the Wilbur Cross Parkway and Whitney Avenue ...
A Perth and Kinross councillor said anyone who needed told not to turn into the path of oncoming traffic "should not be ...
The governor’s planned $20 billion tunnel to divert more water south and bypass the Delta would bring years of construction ...
Trustees this week approved an agreement with the city of Green to partner to install one on Mount Pleasant Street NW at ...
Two area high school students just won a state competition as a part of the Oregon Department of Transportation's "Work Zone ...