The courts and NSW law have affirmed renters’ rights to own pets, but landlords could sidestep those rules by switching to ...
The Sterling City Council on Monday unanimously approved an ordinance establishing the city's new residential rental housing code, which includes a rental property registry and inspection program.
Amazon's cloud group is establishing a unit that will build software for working with artificial intelligence agents as the company aims to keep pace with competitors in generative AI. Swami ...
All time frames are based upon receipt of accurately completed applications within the production unit and are exclusive of mail time. The Electronic Lien Titling Program (ELT) is now live. The ...
“The team’s primary responsibility will include conducting field audits and providing professional oversight to ensure both quality and efficiency in ground rent collection.” He emphasised ...
Senate Bill 416 would amend Hawaiʻi’s landlord-tenant code to prohibit rental agreements from stopping tenants from keeping pet animals in dwelling units, subject to certain conditions.
Who knew getting a quality AC unit for under $120 was possible? But for those who are hella serious about their air conditioning, the Frigidaire 25,000 BTU Heavy Duty Window Air Conditioner is a ...