Space is a big place and there's lots of strange stuff out there, but scientists aren't quite sure where these massive space ...
We've known for over 30 years that there are other stellar systems in our galaxy, but we don't have any idea how many there ...
Scientists have gotten the best-ever view of 'space tornadoes' howling near the Milky Way's black hole. The cosmic twisters ...
The CMZ is a region of clouds rich in dust and molecular gas that roils around the galactic nucleus. It measures up to 2,000 ...
After more than a decade of charting the stars with extraordinary precision, the Gaia spacecraft has completed its mission.
The final messages sent to Gaia will continue to be carried out into space as the observatory sleeps, and as data from it ...
The spiral galaxy 2MASX J23453268−0449256 is located nearly 1 billion light-years away from Earth, and measures about three ...
Using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomers have detected a new giant molecular cloud in the Milky Way galaxy. The ...
"Unlike any objects we know, these filaments really surprised us. Since then, we have been pondering what they are." ...
A strange energy source at the center of the Milky Way may be a new type of dark matter. Scientists found that hydrogen gas ...
Swirling through the Milky Way's central zone, in the turbulent region surrounding the supermassive black hole at the core of ...
Fast-moving stars in the Milky Way received a powerful kick from the Large Magellanic Cloud — and a central black hole might ...