Consistent efforts in efficiency, financial management, planning and communication enable top producers to weather challenges and thrive over the long term.
Microgreens are easy to grow, incredibly nutritious, and the perfect way to bring some life to your kitchen during Minnesota’s cold months.
How can you use your subconscious mind to help you focus on the positive in your community? Learn how to ignite your RAS for good. Note: Two for You written transcripts are generated using a ...
At Extension, we strive to make our website accessible to all. The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, level AA, serve as the Web accessibility standards for the University of Minnesota.
Cloverbud will have fun while completing a hands-on project! This is a great opportunity to see what 4-H is all about based on your age and grade level. The dates and time for this program will take ...
University of Minnesota Extension is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. To request accommodations for persons with disabilities, reach ...
The Soil Management Summit emphasizes proven farmer experience and applied science. Learn how heavier, colder soils aren’t necessarily the challenge they’re made out to be. Hear from long-time no-till ...
The Minnesota Irrigator Program (MIP) covers the soil-plant-water relationship, irrigation scheduling for your soil and crops, how to incorporate nutrient management and irrigation best management ...
Do you want to learn more about horses? If so, the horseless horse project might be for you! There are several ways to participate in the project throughout the year, including the horseless horse ...
Are you looking for an unforgettable opportunity for your child to grow as a leader and make meaningful connections? The Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors invite youth in grades 6 and up to join ...