The next time you break one and it splatters all over the floor, don’t stress it—just remember this simple trick.
The towering granite tribute to fallen soldiers of a controversial war was the result of a design contest won by a ...
Many sharks, such as great whites, are carnivorous swimmers that can reach high speeds. Despite their ferocious reputation, ...
In November 1992, Mike Kennedy, the co-owner of Planet Comics in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, rented a casket. Before the store ...
In honor of The Office’s 20th anniversary, Chili’s is finally opening a Scranton restaurant, complete with a retro menu and ...
The Good Child’s Amusing Riddle-Book was a collection of rhyming verse puzzles published in England in 1807.
Ninety years ago, the worst dust storm in American history blasted the Great Plains. The Dust Bowl had arrived.
Some tasted just like liquid cheese, but all these discontinued flavors still found a way to tickle our innards.
Videos of dogs watching the animated film “Flow” have gone viral recently, and science backs up the adorable phenomenon.
In your path: Three automatic glass exit doors that slow your progress out of the airport terminal. It feels like one door may close behind you while another may never open, trapping you in Newark for ...
Fifty years after it’s release, a nail-biting game based on ‘Jaws’ is returning to shelves. Steven Spielberg, one of America’s most famous filmmakers, has directed numerous classic movies, from E.T.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?