If the course section you want to register in is full and a waitlist is available, you can register into the waitlist on Workday. Waitlists are managed by the department that runs the course. For ...
A saved schedule is a way to draft your course schedule before registration. In Workday, you can create more than one saved schedule to choose courses you’re interested in, arrange them into a ...
Saturn has left its former rival in the dust with a new total of 274 moons, almost twice as many as all the other planets ...
UBC botanists have placed seaweed in the underwater equivalent of a wind tunnel to get a better idea of how different types of algae withstand the onslaught of strong waves and currents. The findings, ...
The loss of large predator animals across the globe is having unanticipated impacts on processes as diverse as human disease dynamics, wildfires and biogeochemical cycles, according to new research by ...
The University of British Columbia is partnering with seven top North American universities to study how they can speed up the adoption of improved teaching techniques in science classrooms. The Bay ...
Four members of the UBC Science community have been recognized for their outstanding service to the University with President’s Staff Awards. The awards recognize personal achievements and ...
UBC has partnered with US-based Coursera to offer genetics, computer science and climate literacy courses online--bringing the university’s expertise within reach of anyone with Internet access.
What Happens After My Term 2 Grades Are Submitted? Science Advisors review the records of all 10,500 Science students in May and June each year.Advisors check your current academic standing and review ...
The UBC Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI) office has committed a total of $2 million over the next four years to UBC Vancouver Faculties to support undergraduate research. The Faculty of ...
Imagine UBC and the University's orientation programs serve as new students' formal welcome to the University, and to the learning community they have joined. Imagine UBC helps both first year and ...