Metals and building products company lost $175 million in the financial quarter running from September to November 2024.
"Recycling Today" is updating our list of the largest nonferrous recyclers, and we need your input.
UTC is recommending the commission assess a penalty of up to $1,000 for each violation, totaling $3,389,000. Additionally, ...
The event, which has been in Atlanta for the last two years, heads to Nashville, Tennessee, this June.
The companies have filed one lawsuit challenging Biden’s decision and one against Cleveland-Cliffs, its CEO Lourenco ...
Steel producer appoints Jane Cronin, an executive with paint company Sherwin-Williams, to its board of directors.
First full week of 2025 will be marked with snow and ice in several parts of the United States that will hamper waste and ...
The company has offered concessions to the European Commission to secure its nearly $7.3 billion bid to acquire DS Smith.