A ceremony in Vietnam's largest city Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday celebrated the opening of the country's first subway, built ...
Called "tears of mermaids" or "dewdrops from the moon," pearls have captivated people since antiquity. The world's first ...
Japanese high school students working as "peace ambassadors" for the abolition of nuclear weapons collected signatures for ...
North Korea says its leader Kim Jong Un has visited a northwestern province that was devastated by heavy rain in late July.
French nuclear power operator EDF says it has connected an advanced pressurized water reactor in the country's northwest to ...
George Bory: Over the entire year, that growth may slow down a little, maybe to about two and a half percent–so a modest ...
Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles attacked the central Russian city of Kazan, about 800 kilometers east of Moscow, on ...
Iceland has both a female president and a female prime minister for the first time, after Kristrun Frostadottir was appointed prime minister.
Hirata Miyu is an NHK correspondent based in Tokyo. She joined in 2019 and was previously stationed in Fukuoka and Shizuoka ...
前半トップの坂本選手は22日の後半のフリーでもトップの得点をマークし、4年連続5回目の優勝となりました。 2位は16歳の島田麻央選手で3年連続の表彰台、3位は前半4位から順位を上げた樋口新葉選手でした。
ダメなのはわかっているけどやめられない。つい、手にとって見てしまう。 そう、スマホです。大人でもそうなのに、いわんや子どもたちは。 「早くやめなさい」の声かけはダメ。取り上げても、隠しても、ダメ。 子どもの「スマホ依存」、大人はどうすればいいのー。 (社会部記者 平井千裕) 手放せないスマホ 12時間以上使う日も 「自分の私生活がスマホにどんどん浸食されそうやなと」そう話すのは大阪府に住む高校2年 ...