REMEMBERING ELVIS PRESLEY ON HIS BIRTHDAY ... of a door" to watch him on "The Ed Sullivan Show." "And I thought 'Boy, who was this guy?' He was so gorgeous and the way he moved — of course ...
After just one impromptu performance, the benchmark for Presley’s whole career was set - and the ears of a generation were ...
Gladys knew that Elvis, a boy-man, was looking for a child-woman he could mold into his idea of a perfect mate. Fourteen-year-olds were just the right age, as they allowed him to play the role of ...
Issued on the 90th anniversary of Elvis’s birth on Jan. 8, Preston Lauterbach’s “Before Elvis: The African Americans Who Made ...
His gaudy biopic Elvis even includes a sequence of comic-book panels: Baz-Elvis the hero transforms from a mild-mannered Mississippi truck driver who sang and played guitar into a flamboyant Elton ...