While we show that the balanced state robustly persists in this system within a broad range of parameters, we mathematically prove that the largest Lyapunov exponent of this type ... averaged firing ...
This fact provides insight into how these functions interact and complement each other. This inverse relationship is especially useful when solving exponential and logarithmic equations. The laws of ...
The exponential function e x always grows at a rate of e x, a feature that is not true of other bases and one that vastly simplifies the algebra surrounding exponents and logarithms. This number ...
This is a valuable contribution to the field, as it questions common assumptions about the biological function of non-linear morphogen decays during development.
We report on a partially coherent power-exponent-phase vortex beam (PC-PEPV), whose spatial coherence is controllable and the initial phase exhibits a periodic power exponential change ... phase ...
Kleiber’s law, or the 3/4 -power law scaling of the metabolic rate with body mass, is considered one of the few quantitative laws in biology, yet its physiological basis remains unknown. Here, we ...