There’s nothing inherently unsafe about genetically modified foods. It’s the potential herbicide exposure that should give ...
You may be surprised to know that the federal government has not mandated that genetically modified organisms be proved safe before they're used in your food. But safety assessments are mandatory ...
In his new book, “Food Fight: GMOs and the Future of the ... or toxic chemicals or soil loss — those things all existed before GMOs, and GMOs just scaled them up. Q. What do you mean when ...
Cereal for breakfast, salad for lunch, cookie for a snack? Chances are, you've eaten a GMO food today. They're found in 80% of packaged foods in the US and in crops such as corn, soy, zucchini ...
The Food and Drug Administration says that GMO foods are "carefully studied before they are sold to the public to ensure they are as safe as the foods we currently eat." Still, these fears have ...
Whether you think genetically modified food is a panacea or a Pandora's box, one thing is clear: Biotech companies and university laboratories are cooking up new ideas for GM foods all the time.
Also known as transgenic and bioengineered foods, genetically modified foods (GMO foods) have always been controversial and continue to be. GMO foods have an extensive history and are widely used ...
Potential health risks to humans include the possibility of exposure to new allergens in genetically modified foods, as well as the transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut flora. One example ...