Graphic designer with background in computer imaging and IT support. Experienced with the Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office Suite, Macromedia MX Studio, Heat, Zenworks, and other software programs.
What does a good resume for an artist look like? We've done lots of reviews of hard skill resumes like engineers and finance. Now, look at a real student coming out into the world and wanting to avoid ...
For example, if you’re a graphic designer or UX designer, he recommends creating an infographic resume to supplement your traditional resume and posting it on your LinkedIn profile or emailing ...
Graphic designers are visual storytellers who illustrate information by hand and with the help of computer software. Whether you realize it or not, you interact with content brought to life by the ...
graphic design in context and professional practice. The final year culminates with the Senior Studio project, where you will develop an online portfolio, resume and a self-directed project that ...