AI models are growing ever-more capable, accurate and impressive. The question of if they represent “general intelligence” is increasingly moot.
"Buy low, sell high" involves buying undervalued stocks and selling when prices increase. Analyzing financial metrics and market trends aids in identifying potential investment opportunities.
In 2025, 4K resolution is the standard for high-quality media, and compared to older high-definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) resolutions, it's a big improvement. Many of the best TVs ...
High Meat Trend, also known as the Fermented Meat Trend or Fermented Raw Beef Trend, refers to a social media food trend in which people eat raw meat that has been left to ferment and rot for months, ...
Since the 19th National Congress of the CPC in 2017, China has accelerated its transition from quantitative growth to high-quality development. This significant shift is not only reshaping Chinese ...