The Big Island Interscholastic Federation (BIIF) boys volleyball season continued Wednesday with matches across the isle.
Kerala Agricultural University partners with WSU and NABARD to support farm start-ups and rural entrepreneurship with innovative technologies.
Davey D and Lina Girl discuss the top-of-mind topics of the day. On the Wisdom Wednesday, Kumu Kawaikapuokalani Hewett shares his ʻike (knowledge) of the art and practice of Kākau ...
Marquis Who's Who recognizes Susan K.F. Kau, RNC-NIC, for her contributions to nursing. Currently, Ms. Kau is a neonatal intensive care unit staff nurse at ...
Turns out, the wind carried the glassy strands 30 miles from Kilauea to Kau. Pele’s hair is formed by gas during a volcanic eruption. When bubbles of gas near the surface of a lava flow burst, it can ...
The sophomores have one year of Song Contest experience under their belts, but it’s also the year, they add boys and girls ...
This article is part of "Where Are They Now?"—an ongoing series in which Franchise Times managing editor Emilee Wentland and ...
Almost one year into construction at the Hilo Benioff Medical Center, everything is “on track” with the expansion of the main ...
Almost one year into construction at the Hilo Benioff Medical Center, everything is “on track” with the expansion of the main ...
The fact that these individuals continue to fight to make sure that our students, our student athletes and the entire community continue to have a full student experience just makes me so ...
With just over a month left before the 62nd Annual Merrie Monarch Festival, judges and participating hālau hula were ...
LIHUE — Waimea High School wahine wrestlers took up seven spots of 12 aeats on the Girls Wrestling All-Stars, and Kauai High School boys filled nine of the 14 spots on the Boys Wrestling All ...