Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis has made it clear that the illegal EMPD protest would have been met with severe consequences if the ...
The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) has publicly rallied behind officers of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police ...
JOHANNESBURG - Ekurhuleni Mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza has promised to engage disgruntled Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police ...
EMPD staged a protest over salary cuts, causing disruptions, as city officials try to address their demands and prevent ...
EMPD officers' illegal protest over salary cuts sparks major traffic chaos at OR Tambo, drawing fierce criticism from ANC's ...
City of Ekhurhuleni says the protest is unlawful More than 300 officers from the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) blocked major highways in eastern Johannesburg on Wednesday. They are ...
EKURHULENI - Disgruntled Ekurhuleni Metro Police officers are back at work after protesting earlier. They took to the streets ...
MDB Development Corporation claims in a new lawsuit that police officials continued to expand the scope of a 2022 contract to inspect the collapsing facade of 1 Police Plaza, the brutalist HQ of the ...
Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) officers have returned to work following their protest which left many highways ...
Metro police took to the streets in protest over frustrations that their overtime hours were being slashed from 80 to 16 ...
EMPD staged a protest over salary cuts, causing disruptions, as city officials try to address their demands and prevent ...