The world of Pokémon is filled with some pretty creepy and intimidating critters, but also some adorable ones too, like Pikachu and Eevee.
In 2025, there are more Pokémon types than ever, with the current number of types standing at 18 since Pokémon X and Y released in 2013. A Pokémon’s type determines the moves it has access to, as well ...
For more on Pokemon Go, you may be interested in: Read more - Gaming Pokémon GO Tips & Tricks: How to Improve and Catch 'Em All Read more - Gaming Pokémon Go Weakness Chart: All Pokemon Weaknesses ...
To get Dynamax Chansey in Pokémon Go, you need to take part in a three-star Max Battle against one. If you defeat Dynamax ...
You can win the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle in Pokemon GO by selecting the best attackers, defenders, and healers listed in ...
Can Mega Absol be shiny in Pokemon GO? Yes, Shiny Mega Absol is available in Pokemon Go. It has a unique look with red details on its face, horn, tail, and claws instead of the usual dark gray.
The 100% perfect IV stats for Totodile, including a preview of shiny Croconaw and Feraligatr, for March’s Community Day ...
If you're planning on battling Black Kyurem in a five-star raids, then you need a team which targets its weaknesses and here are some Pokémon Go counters which will help you do this: Our ...
Since Vibrava has a major weakness to Ice-type moves, Ice-type Pokemon are the best choices for countering it. Dragon and Fairy types also work well, but they won’t be as effective as Ice-type ...
It is good to be in a team to win Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids because its combat power and Stamina are boosted in battles. Mega Pinsir can be easily countered by Rock-type moves in the game.