In Tamil Nadu, the festival is celebrated for over four days and each day carrying its own unique rituals and significance. The festival begins with Bhogi on January 13.
Different regions in South India prefer different types of Sambars. Tamil Nadu’s is spicy, Andhra’s thicker, Karnataka’s ...
Pongal Festival 2025: Pongal is one of the most popular festival in India, especially in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, etc. The harvest festival began on Monday, January 13, to mark the arrival ...
The textile market in Erode, which typically sees brisk Pongal sales, has suffered a significant drop in business due to ...
The Wildlife Trust of India's collaborative efforts with local fishers and government agencies have saved over 1,000 whale ...
The 184th birth anniversary of Colonel. John Pennycuick, the architect of Mullaperiyar dam, was celebrated as Penny Cuick ...
Kerala government announced a holiday for Tuesday in view of Pongal festivities. This implies that schools, offices and other institutions will remain closed in the state on the occasion of Makara ...