Student-led awareness raising campaigns are a great way to reach people because students often have the trust of the community, says Gurame Moiya.
On this page, we’ll help you prepare to rent a home in Canada. Learn about the responsibilities of landlords and tenants, how to find a rental, how lease agreements work and what to keep in mind when ...
With its tropical climate, using insect repellent is a must to keep those pesky mosquito-borne diseases at bay.
RyanJLane / Getty Images Buying commercial or residential rental property has its attractions for investors. It can create a steady flow of income, with the added potential for property value ...
A staff report says the development would include 88 social housing units, 308 rental units, and 269 strata condos. It would also house a community centre with a 49-space child care centre ...
Julianna Seldon-Director-On Broadway Thespians, "RENT" The Musical discusses the performances to take place at the Hales Performing Arts Center at Southwestern Oregon Community College on 2/28-3 ...
According to a release, eligible families can apply for 6-9 months of rental assistance and case management support. The $568,000 in funding was provided by a federal Emergency Rental Assistance ...
Australia and Papua New Guinea will on Thursday announce they are beginning negotiations on a defence treaty, in a move that could have major implications for national security and the Pacific's ...
When Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia ... of the city's residents reside in both planned and unplanned settlements. With unaffordable rental prices, many who are employed have opted ...
If you’re struggling to access the private rental market due to: limited rental history a lack of skills, knowledge or understanding of how the private rental market works a lack of documents required ...
shironosov / Getty Images Selling a rental property can be a real headache. The first thing that likely comes to mind for owners is a big influx of cash and fewer responsibilities. However ...
A Government report has recommended increasing payments to landlords who are renting out their properties under the State’s rental accommodation scheme (RAS). The report, which was published ...