Discover 16 effective standing exercises that target your core and full body, requiring minimal equipment. Perfect for home ...
How to do it: Grab a dumbbell and stand tall with the weight in left hand, core engaged, shoulders back, chest proud. Contract abs and lean to the left as you slide the weight down to left knee. Use ...
Instructions: For a full core burn-out, choose three or four moves from the list below. Perform as many reps as possible ...
Want a stronger, tighter core? This one move, when done daily, can transform your abs, improve stability, and boost overall strength. Learn how to do it properly for the best results!
In this six-part series, we'll give you quick exercises for different body parts every week to help you stay limber.
Do these exercises to help stretch and strengthen your feet, ankles and toes. They’re demonstrated by trainer Melissa Gunn, of Pure Strength LA, whose team trains desk workers on how to protect their ...
Sitting is the new smoking’, we have all heard this before. But in the modern age of desk jobs and digital diversions, it’s not always easy to avoid prolonged periods of sitting. However, that doesn’t ...
I’ve recently launched a new stretch and destress class for staff and students at my local university, and these are some of the go-to moves we use to relieve upper-body tension ...