In 2024, USA Today named Solvang the second best small town in the West (Seward, Alaska, was first.) Also in 2024, Newsweek ...
A few years ago, participants in a very unscientific poll conducted by the The Tribune ranked Avila the second-best beach in ...
a search engine that matches travelers with vacation rentals. This company — which I had never heard of up until a few days ago — chose Avila Beach, located on California’s sunny Central ...
Considered a quieter alternative to the state's busier coastal towns, it's one of 3 Wilmington-area beaches on a list of ...
Park Newport Apartments plans to add 366 units at a total cost of $293 million at 1 Park Newport on the Back Bay.
Park Newport LP wants to add 366 new multifamily units to its Park Newport Apartments property in the shadows of Newport ...
The new facility should catch up to 80% of the roughly 100 to 300 tons of trash that flows into the Upper Newport Bay Nature ...
A new multi-million dollar trash-collecting water wheel was unveiled in Newport Beach Friday, the first-of-its-kind in the state, to collect floating trash before it contaminates the local harbors ...