In light of President Donald Trump's desire to eliminate the penny, it's noteworthy that one of the most significant coins ...
Jesse told Newsweek: "I spent at least an hour in the unit, hunched over, counting the coins and figuring out what was what." ...
The wheat complex is trading with double digit strength on Monday. Chicago SRW futures is posting 13 to 14 cent higher trade at midday. KC HRW futures are trading with 17 to 18 cent gains in the ...
Wheat pulled back on Friday across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures posted losses of 2 to 3 cents, with May down 4 ½ cents last week. KC HRW futures were fractionally to a penny lower in ...
Neutral is negative as it lacks bullish news. No changes in US corn or soybean demand. Ethanol and corn exports unchanged.