An uncirculated 1877 Indian Head Penny could get you up to $3,000. Large cent coins, created from 1793 to 1857, have the potential to fetch, well, a pretty penny. An uncirculated 1799 Draped Bust ...
Most coins are worth their face value, but others are different story. Coin collectors seek rare currencies often valued at a ...
McCOOK, Neb. - On Nov. 22, 2024, I received my first letter about my coin articles. The kind gentleman that sent this letter gave me some of the oldest coins I have in my collection. He gave me a ...
It also lost $17.7 million in nickels, although that’s a large improvement from 2023, when it lost $92.6 million on the 5-cent coin. The price of nickel fell 27.1% last year, which could account ...
There are no errors on this coin but it can fetch fairly high prices because of the year it was made. Michael McCauley highlighted a 10 cent coin from 1991 that can be sold for 75 times higher than if ...
An uncirculated 1877 Indian Head Penny could get you up to $3,000. Large cent coins, created from 1793 to 1857, have the potential to fetch, well, a pretty penny. An uncirculated 1799 Draped Bust ...