Florida college students pay some of the lowest tuition rates in the nation. But a plan to keep them low may be falling apart. As Whitney Ray tells us, Florida’s House Speaker told university ...
State Farm Insurance still plans to stop selling homeowners policies in Florida, but the company is objecting to conditions placed on the company by the state. Late yesterday, the state denied State ...
Wednesday, Lawmakers apologize for a shameful chapter in state history. Florida is the 6th state to offer some form of apology for slavery. Both the house and the senate approved a resolution calling ...
33,000 kids on the state’s welfare rolls rely on volunteers to help them through the legal system. The state’s guardian ad litem program has just 500 employees. 7,000 volunteers have stepped up to ...
Legislation allowing grieving families to receive what is being called a “Non-Viable “ Birth Certificate was approved by a House Committee on a 15-0 vote, but Pro Choice advocates worry the bill is a ...
The Florida League of Cities and the Association of Counties are asking state lawmakers for more wiggle room in their budgets. Mayors and County Commissioners say unfunded mandates like those on ...
Florida businesses will now see huge relief on their unemployment taxes. Today Governor Rick Scott received legislation to cut the increase nearly in half. In January, the tax increased from 72 ...
People with landline telephones may be paying more if legislation to deregulate telephone companies gets final approval. The bill received unanimous approval from a key Senate Committee this morning.
An estimated 1.4 million felons in Florida are waiting to see how the Legislature implements Amendment 4, so they will know if they’re eligible to have their voting rights automatically restored. The ...
Dozens of proposals that could affect how Florida Government works are up for discussion at the state Capitol at the once every two decades Constitution Revision Commission. As Mike Vasilinda tells us ...
Four Florida School districts, Duval, Sumpter, Collier and Union will be the first to pilot new remote learning plans as Florida School buildings remain closed through the middle of April. Instead of ...
Reubin Askew, who was the last Governor to serve in the Historic Capitol returned there today to lie in state. Askew died last week at 85. He is best known for his staunch support for government in ...