To paraphrase the poet Petrarch's summary of the enemies of peace: human fear, avarice, anger, pride and ambition frustrate solutions. After WWII, major powers attempted to appease, buy off, ignore, ...
The SBU is the successor to the Ukrainian branch of the KGB. After Ukrainian became independent in 1991, obvious KGB loyalists were fired but many vets remained and they perpetuated a culture of ...
January 2, 2025: In 2018 Norway openly complained about Russia deliberately jamming GPS signals in Norway. The jamming was done from a Russian military base in the Kola Peninsula on the Barents Sea, ...
Soldiers have been fighting the Arakan Army/AA rebels in the area since mid-2019 and periods of active combat have been increasingly common in the last few months. Not a lot of casualties but enough ...
January 1, 2025: At a high school in the northwestern city of Arkhangelsk, high school students have been using 3-D printers to produce grenade components for Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The ...
At the direction of the Chief of Staff Army and the Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), the TRADOC Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) has studied ...
December 31, 2024: China has much to fear from west Pacific nations South Korea and Japan combining their submarine fleets with the 25 or more U.S. Navy submarines based in the region. Japan has 22 ...
Recently Russia’s problems multiplied with Russian troops being chased out of Syria by a surprise attack by a reinvigorated HTS Islamic terrorist group in northern Syria. These attacks quickly ran all ...
All this activity causes all non-Russian nations bordering Belarus to carefully guard that border. Russian President Vladimir Putin has frequently mentioned that he wants to reassemble the Soviet ...